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YCYW L&PD Newsletter, Feb 2022

Updated: May 16, 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Happy Chinese New Year!

How time flies! Our last newsletter was three months ago. We'd like to update some of the things we've been working on since then.

Key Updates in a Nutshell
  • Two new courses, Learning Objectives and Supporting Students With Their Learning, are now available; Previous courses updated to include greater opportunities for reflection and application. You can find them on the YCYW PD website here

  • The 'Professional email writing' PD Monday session for non-academic colleagues is now open for sign-ups on the PD portal here

  • Leadership Development Programme: four learning modules completed so far with our attention now on planning for next year's modules.

  • Learnership and Growth Mindset with James Anderson train the trainer course finished, with participants of the program now working on bringing the training to all YCYW schools.

  • Parent workshops with YCIS Shanghai Puxi, introducing how we support staff development in YCYW. Opportunities for other schools to run this as part of their parent engagement programme.

  • PD Monday is back after Chinese New Year break and is full to the brim with exciting learning opportunities


YCYW PD Platform - Course Updates

Two New Academic Courses Now Available

Learning Objectives

In this course, we aim to support teachers in broadening their understanding of what learning objectives are, and how to use them. We hope this course will help you to design your units smoothly and deliver them effectively.

Supporting Learners with Their Revision

Revision season is here! In this course, we will explore why common revision strategies don't always work, be introduced to the basics of learning theory, and review a range of strategies deemed by researchers to be more effective in supporting learners' needs.

Updates of Previous Courses

The previous courses, i.e. EdTech, Behaviour Management, and Learning Communities, are updated based on the feedback, with more multimedia resources, course drip feeds, reflection opportunities, and polished Chinese translation.

Check out the updated courses:


Professional Email Writing Session for Non-Academic Staff

Email writing is an important professional skill in our workplace. Yet without knowing the cultural difference and how to choose appropriate words, a simple email can go the wrong direction...

We are offering this session for people who would like support in professional email writing, sign up here if interested:


Leadership Development Programme Update

This two-year programme for leaders across YCYW started last November. Up till now, four learning modules have been covered, i.e. Leadership and Bilingual Learning Communities within YCYW, Organisation Wide Policies and Procedures (Academic), Organisation Wide Policies and Procedures (Non-Academic), and Market Forces. More learning modules to come this semester.


Parent Workshops

Parents care about their kids' education and how we support teachers to bring high-quality teaching to our students. In January, L&PD did a short information session to introduce professional training across YCYW for YCIS Shanghai Puxi. This month, we delivered a workshop to delve more into this area with our parents from YCIS Puxi. In August of last year, we also facilitated a parent workshop in YWIES Tongxiang.

If you'd like the same information session and workshop for parents in your school, please don't hesitate to reach out to the learning and professional development team:


PD Monday is Back!

After taking a short break during Chinese New Year, PD Monday is back! In Feb 2022, our first PD Monday's of the lunar new started with the monthly curriculum forums and continues with multiple opportunities for shared learning. You can see the full calendar for the weeks ahead here

We look forward to bringing more high-quality training to empower staff across YCYW in the year of tiger!

If you need any further support, feel free to reach out to The Learning and Professional Development Division at any time through our email:


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